Choose your medium
Firstly, consider your space, where you want to put your art and what weather conditions it may be exposed to. If you’re hoping to place a sculpture in a fully exposed setting, look for mediums that are weather hardy so you can be sure they will stand the test of time. Mediums such as marble, copper, bronze, cement, carved sandstone and even fibreglass are great options to consider if you’re looking for an artistic option that’s likely to experience all the weather elements.
Bronze and copper sculptures are perfect for outdoor enjoyment too. They are sturdy, weatherproof at any age, and their wear patinas (how the colours and appearance of the material ages) generally enhance the work. A perfect example is the colossal Statue of Liberty in New York City. This most famous sculpture was structured with copper materials and wears the most beautiful iconic patina proudly.
If rain isn’t a big issue but heat is, instead consider metal sculptures for your space that won’t crack with the heat.
For apartment dwellings, a contemporary miniature bronze or weatherproof resin can add character and style. Select something interesting with detail in these smaller spaces so they work to add atmosphere and become excellent talking pieces while entertaining, too.
Nail the scale
Once you’ve decided on a medium and material, next is to think about the ideal size and then go bigger! As plants and the artworks surrounds change – whether because of season or fauna growth, the sculpture won’t, so it’s important to think of the scale once the garden is more established.
Follow these 10 secrets to create a lovely yard according to landscape architects.
Select a style that gets you excited
In terms of style, have fun selecting something for your outdoor space. Like art inside the home, a feature piece of art in your outdoor area can really shape the overall finished style of your space. Set the mood with an elegant marble figure at the entranceway or be welcomed into the space with a contemporary pop sculpture rendered in bold and shiny painted fibreglass. Either way it should reflect your personal style and make your outdoor space a place to love and enjoy spending time in.