How To Spray Paint A Wall
Follow these tips for a perfectly painted surface every time.
COVER ALL NEARBY surfaces and never use a paint sprayer to do exterior work on a windy day.
WEAR A DISPOSABLE spray suit and a suitable respirator.
TEST THE SETTINGS of the sprayer on a piece of cardboard until you achieve the correct flow. Smooth surfaces need less power than irregular areas such as fencing.
MOST PAINT SPRAYERS have an adjustable nozzle with a choice of up to three spray patterns: round, horizontal fan and vertical fan.
A ROUND PATTERN is great for railings, fence posts, corners and edges. A horizontal fan pattern is better for fencing and lattice, while
a vertical fan pattern is best on decking, cladding and sheds.
HOLD THE GUN at an even distance from the target object and spray in smooth, even sweeps.
SET THE SPRAYER in motion before squeezing the trigger, and release it before stopping when you reach the end of a pass.
DRIPS AND RUNS are problematic to correct, so spray lightly and apply an extra coat if needed.