How To Finish External Corners On Plasterboards

Once you have cut and hung plasterboard, you may need to finish external corners. Secure corner beads on all external angles, such as doorways, then apply three coats of compound.
Click here to learn How To Cut And Hang Plasterboard
Click here to learn How To Finish Internal Corners On Plasterboard

Click here to learn How To Cover Butt Joints On Plasterboard

Step 1. Attach corner bead
Attach the corner bead to the doorway or corner, securing every 300mm with ring shank nails, screws or staples, ensuring the corner bead isn’t misaligned.

Step 2. Apply compound
Apply the compound over the corner bead with a broad knife, using two base coats and one top coat. Feather the edges, allow the compound to dry, then sand smooth.

Click on the diagram
Click on the diagram to see each element of the external corners.
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