Light bulbs
Heat and glass are a bad combination, and you get both in an incandescent (read: old-fashioned) light bulb. Thomas Edison101 here: Light is produced when an electrical current runs through a tungsten filament inside the bulb. The filament heats up and, voila, let there be light! But if the bulb’s base was not properly sealed by the manufacturer, the base could melt, changing the pressure of the heated gas inside the bulb. Then, boom! Here are 10 great ways to lower your electricity bill.
Ozone layer controversies aside, your can of hairspray can become a missile if not stored properly. More specifically, never leave any aerosol can in direct sunlight. The contents inside the can – liquid particles and air – are under a lot of pressure. Heat increases the pressure, prompting those little particles to move even faster inside their tin prison, until the can explodes. Although aerosol cans are designed to withstand pressure, they have limits. Don’t test them.
Wood stove
When an explosion happens inside a wood-burning stove, back drafting is usually to blame. Back drafting is the reverse flow of exhaust in the flue. This can cause a pocket of oxygen to hit the fire, and the result can leave dust and ash everywhere. When installing or inheriting a wood stove, have a chimney expert take a look at your flue and provide you with best practices for taking care of the stove.